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Identify an important managerial challenge facing Oracle Corporation.

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

•    Identify an important managerial challenge facing Oracle Corporation. 
•    Develop a plan that integrates effective financial and operational decision making to successfully meet this challenge and improve organizational performance, in a succinct report that includes an executive summary.

More Information:

What is a succinct report?  Could it be 10 pages or less?    One reads that IBM decision papers are limited to that length, and we all recall the single-sheet Ringo Sho approach to important decisions at Toyota.

As to overall plan format, I-B-C ( is, recommended for your consideration.

A results-filled executive summary (ES) should lead off the plan. This link is to "How to Write an Executive Summary" in Course Resources.  You may also benefit from a review of the files in Course Resources specific to Writing Guidelines and  the files showing proper APA citations.

This final seminar week you will prepare an End-of-Seminar Project.
The EOSP provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate integration of  your knowledge of financial and operational management.  

You will each develop a plan that integrates effective financial and operational decision making to successfully meet a managerial challenge and improve the performance of your enterprise.

Attached is an example of a superior - not a perfect - EOSP.
Attention is invited to its thoroughness, helpful formatting, and use of several tools/methods that we have studied.

The table of contents is an "extra" help to the busy enterprise reader.

248 Words  1 Pages
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