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Large businesses usually have a corporate structure. Think of a large acute care hospital facility as an example. The structure of this organization plays an important role in how strategy is formulated and adapted to the facility’s actual conditions. The

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

From what you have learned in Chapter 12 from the textbook (the information from lecture and text is listed below w/reference) on organization structure and impact on strategy, define the various structures and include discussion providing significance for planning, implementation, and success.

Paper Requirements:

Your paper should be well written,
Be 2-3 double-spaced pages in length, not including the title and reference pages
Follow Writing & APA Requirements.
Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed in the Module 5 folder. Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions about the assignment.

Large businesses usually have a corporate structure. Think of a large acute care hospital facility as an example. The structure of this organization plays an important role in how strategy is formulated and adapted to the facility’s actual conditions. The structure determines how leaders analyze and interpret their external environment. Corporate offices directly manage business units, and business units manage functional units.

Corporation level:
A corporation is a legal structure that is centrally managed by a board of directors and limits its leaders’ personal liability. Corporations may come in various sizes or degrees of complexity and may be for-profit or non-profit. Corporate strategy plans for the growth of a business as a whole.
When creating and implementing strategy, corporations have three primary concerns:

Allocating capital across business units
Deciding which businesses to compete in
Determining how to integrate and manage those businesses.

Bussiness Unit:
trategic business units are responsible for directing a division, product line, or other revenue (profit) or cost center. At the business unit level, strategic issues revolve around developing and sustaining the market advantage of the unit’s goods and services. Business unit strategy deals with positioning the business in its market, anticipating changes in demand and technologies, and influencing the nature of market competition.

Functional unit:
Depending on the size of the corporation, the functional level may consist of operating divisions, product lines, and/or departments. The strategic issues that take precedence at this level concern business processes and value chains. Functional units use the resources allocated to them to maximize achievement of the corporation’s mission. They may work to better integrate with marketing, finance, human resources, and research to promote their specific products and services and improve business outcomes.

Walston, S. L. (2014). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution. Arlington, VA: Health Administration Press.

Attachment #1:
Bate, J. D. (2010). How to explore for innovation on your organization's strategic frontier. Strategy & Leadership, 38(1), 32-36. doi:

425 Words  1 Pages
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