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Four corporate-level growth strategies include vertical, horizontal, concentric (related) and conglomerate (diversified). Please explain each strategy, offer a brief literature review of each including the context under which each strategy is appropriate,

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Four corporate-level growth strategies include vertical, horizontal, concentric (related) and conglomerate (diversified). Please explain each strategy, offer a brief literature review of each including the context under which each strategy is appropriate, and offer an example of a firm that you consider best follows (or has followed) each of these strategies.

research the topic from the academic literature (i.e., the library data bases), summarize some of the latest (last 2-3 years) findings, and explain how the current literature resonates with how things are and should be done at your current organization. Answers using the following criteria: 1) the extent to which you define all relevant terminology, 2) the extensiveness of your literature review, and 3) how you relate the findings in the literature with your organization. You can think of this exam as five literature reviews and insights as to how this literature resonates with the way things are done at your firm.
Please make sure that you write this in your own words (no not extensively use direct citations). Hint: You might want to search for the most current review articles or meta-analysis studies on a particular topic as these tend to offer a broad and deep analysis on past research and findings (both theoretical and empirical).

218 Words  1 Pages
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