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In the 21st century, more organizations are moving to the team concept to maximize overall organizational performance through the combined efforts of people. The old adage, ‘Two heads are better than one’ has proven to be a valid statement, as organizatio

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Unit 8 Main Assignment Rubric Attached.  Please also use the attached writing crib sheet format just like all of the other papers using the feedback from the professor.  Remember you are using the same business we created since the beginning. Assignment mentioned to watch the video below.

There are 2 discussions for this week that I will need first by wed/thursday.  I will post the 2 class responses needed for each discussion during the week as normal.

Discussion 1:

Topic 1 of 2 

High Performance Teams  

In the 21st century, more organizations are moving to the team concept to maximize overall organizational performance through the combined efforts of people. The old adage, ‘Two heads are better than one’ has proven to be a valid statement, as organizations strive to face the many challenges in the internal and external environments.

In this discussion question, please find an article in the Kaplan Library relating to high performance teams. If possible, try to find an article on high performance teams in the type of business you selected for your business plan. Answer the following questions relating to the article and your own experience with business teams:
•Please describe the background for the article you researched and explain why this particular best practice scenario appealed to you. What did you learn from the article that you could apply in your business?
•What are some characteristics of high performance teams? What are the strengths and weaknesses of business teams? Please share your experiences as a team member in either a business or non-business environment.

Discussion 2:

Topic 2 of 2 

Career Planning  
When you start a business you need to be able to sell yourself as well as your business ideas and plan. In order to get yourself on the right path to success, complete and answer the following:

Visit the Kaplan Career Services by clicking here. Review career skills in the field of business and management and then create a 1-year action plan as to what specific actions you will take that will guide you towards realizing your ideal job.

Please include the following in your 1 year bulleted action plan: (In addition add your 1 year action plan to your Career Portfolio)
•Specify the ideal job you want. 
•Determine what skills you need to get that job. 
•What steps you will take to obtain the additional skills you might need? 
•What networking avenues will you use to understand your field of interest, obtain advice, and help you increase professional development? 
•How would you use a mentor or coach to assist you in personal branding?

In your response to two classmates, please share your feedback as to whatever information might assist classmates in furthering their career action plans. 

I am will get back with you on the 1-year action plan as I am trying to locate the career skills in the field of business and management in my Career Services section in my class.  I will upload this once I receive this update from my professor.  Thank you.

I added 9 total pages in case the discussion questions are longer than normal.  Thanks

531 Words  1 Pages
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