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Perform an Internet search to find the results of at least one economic impact study conducted for a sport event, facility, team, or city. Please read all current initial postings before creating your initial post to ensure you are selecting a study whic

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Respond to the following with a minimum of 400 words not including references. 

Perform an Internet search to find the results of at least one economic impact study conducted for a sport event,  facility, team, or city. Please read all current initial postings before creating your initial post to ensure you are selecting a study which has not been posted about yet. Please do your best to avoid duplicate postings by selecting a study for an event, team, facility, or city which has not been conducted yet. Then answer the following questions.

Who conducted the study?

How was the study conducted?

What were the key findings and conclusions of the study?

What alternative conclusions exist?

124 Words  1 Pages
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