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The Future of Extension Leadership is Soft Leadership

The Future of Extension Leadership is Soft Leadership

In order for a leader to be able to lead his subjects very well and in the right way, he or she must be able to understand their needs thus taking care of them. A good leader makes sure that the employees in a company are satisfied thus making it for them to be able to conduct their activities freely. Future leaders must be able to create a good relationship with the employees, thus interacting with them and giving them support when they are in need. Moreover, they should also be able to motivate the employees and to encourage them to work hard and provide the best services to the company.

Millennials, are more into the technology, and thus they cannot only be motivated by money, but by providing other things that they like. This will make sure that they are motivated and encouraged to provide the best services through extension. More 70% of the employees in the world, do not enjoy whatever they are doing, and this has been majorly influenced by the traditional types of ways that leaders use to motivate their employees. Therefore extension leaders need to look for new ways of making sure that they are motivating the employers in the right ways. This move will not only see the most employees enjoying doing their work, but it will also increase productivity in the companies. Furthermore, extension leaders must be able to provide ways through which the employees can be able to reach their goals. This will really help in making it easy for the employees to working hard in order to achieve those goals.


277 Words  1 Pages
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