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Money Back

Our money back policy is designed to explain situations where by the client can be refunded his/her whole amount or part of it. The following are our refund policies;

Your money will be fully refunded if you have placed the wrong instructions and requested for refund before our writer has not already started working on your order. We always give a time-frame of 1 hour for clients to request for the full refund. In case the 1 hour time-frame is over, we will refund only the amount that we have not worked for. That means we will upload the already written part so that you can confirm we had already started working on your work and the writer deserves to be paid.

Once you approve any part of the order, the amount is forwarded to the writer’s account directly and is non-refundable. Fully approved orders are non-refundable. Approving the final part of the order confirms that you are fully satisfied with the complete order and hence no refund will be granted.

In case you request for a refund and your order has already been completed and revised three times with the aim of meeting your expectations, our support team will first review your concerns and determine whether it is justifiable to offer the refund. If the writer had already met your initial instructions, no refund will be offered. However, if your instructions had not been met, you will be fully refunded.

You are not supposed to use any product you purchase from us as your own and we will not offer any refund for costs you might incur after using our products inappropriately and against what we have directed in our terms and conditions.

If you receive a plagiarized paper, you will be fully refunded. You must provide proof that your paper was plagiarized because we normally check all papers provided by our writers before we forward to the clients.

If you had paid VAT (For those customers in the European Union), the VAT in non refundable. Therefore, if your refund request meets the above specifications, your money will be refunded except the VAT.


Get in Touch

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to inform us and we will gladly take care of it.

Email us at Discounts

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