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Public Relations Ideas


SUBJECT: Public Relations Ideas

Public relations writing are basically about designing thoughts for a specific public and media. Public relations description and demands vary from a writer to the other by on the intentions social, economic as well as political forces.  Public  relation is best  described  as  the  science and art  of evaluating  trends,  making  implications predictions, counseling the  organization’s management and  the  application  of  designed  programs that serves  the company  and the  interest  of the public. The description shows the complexity of PR but its usefulness cannot be underrated.

According to Newsom & Haynes, (2011), from the description of public relations the central point is grounded on the evaluation, prediction and counseling as the main responsibilities of a professional writer.  The personnel  is  required  to  help the organization’s  management  in the  framing, adjustment  and  implementation of the  necessary  policies  that  best  interests  with the  public trends. PR  does not  merely  involve the  communication  of  the management’s perspective to the public rather  the  responsibility involves  the  communication  of the  views  of the  public to the  management.

PR is designed  to  identify the  public’s needs and  the institution’s objective  so that the PR programs  can be framed  alongside  the  needs  and  preferences  of the  public in consideration. The PR individuals evaluate the opinions and needs of the public thus creating effective modes to facilitate the flow of information.  With the  obtained  report , the  PR profession  offers  advice  to the  management  on the effective  practices that can yield  maximum benefits for both the organization  and the public.

In the direction of PR communication amid the both parties is the sole responsibility of the PR writer. The PR efforts  must be  directed to a selected group  that  is  associated  with  more  importance  in regard to the communication.  In reaching the public via PR distinct communication channels must be selected.

Discussion Questions

What is the role of a PR writer? Why is communication important in PR?

What are the primary roles of Public relations?







Newsom, D., & Haynes, J. (2011). Public relations writing: Form and style. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

348 Words  1 Pages
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