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Public relations is one of the major functions of how organizations can be able to grow, through relating with its customers

Public Relations

Public relations is one of the major functions of how organizations can be able to grow, through relating with its customers. The type of rules which therefore govern the management of the organization therefore fully depend on the thinking of the person setting the rules of the organization. This is consequently because, even though the person might be given the rules to follow while setting such rules, he or she will first and foremost do whatever he or she thinks is right regardless of whether it is according to the given guidelines or not (n.w, Chapter 10).

Public relations, fully relies on the following key aspects, morality, ethics, law, tradition and the opinion of the public. Therefore, in order for a company to be able to maintain a good view from the public, it therefore needs to conduct a research (Chapter 10). This therefore requires the management of the organization needs to conduct a research in order to understand whatever it is that they are actually lacking. Secondly, what the company wants to reach in order to be able to achieve its goals.

On the other hand, the company should plan on how it is going to achieve this. After planning on how the company will be able to achieve certain goals, it should go forward and implement the given plans ((n.w), Chapter 10). This will consequently enable the company to be able to actively work hard in order to be able to reach its goals. In addition, the company will also be able to come up with possible solutions to the challenges which it might be currently facing.

Finally, the organization needs to evaluate and come up with type of technique which it will require in order to attract more customers ((n.w), Chapter 10). This may therefore include the target number of people, how they will be able to get this number of customers, the approach which should be employed in order to enable the company to be easily able to get a positive view from the public.


Chapter 10. Standard Ethics and Values.

351 Words  1 Pages
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