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Curriculum and Instructional Design

Curriculum and Instructional Design

Curriculum design and instruction design are both based on specific principles to which the involved activities and materials should adhere such as equity and accessibility. Such principles help educators in their struggle for mainlining control over instructional and curriculum decisions which are increasingly becoming dictated standards sets at the national and state level.  The curriculum and instructional designs are developed out of similar materials and comes in form of scripted textbooks, proficiency tests, and other instructional materials.  The design of instruction and curriculum comprises of a lot of inputs from the teachers since they are in a learning environment that offers supports to contextual learning and teaching. There are two basic dimensions to the assessment of instructional and curriculum materials. Policy dimension involves educational ministries having policies by which resources and materials are created and then adopted. The instruction design ensures that the curriculum content is put into the context for understanding by the students so as to develop and sustain considerable and meaningful learning (Chiarelott, 2006).

In addition, instruction design focuses is basically process oriented and is concerned with what information to be communicated especially after the development of a curriculum. It can be said that instructional design highlights the need to be accountable so as to validate the progress of the learner towards certain set objectives. While curriculum design will focus on learning content, the instructional design will focus on the ensuring that the content delivered to the learners achieves the set learning objectives. Instructional design is thus concerned with the method to be used in the delivery of curriculum content (Chiarelott, 2006). A new name for Instructional Design would be Learning Experience Design which could relate to the learner.


Chiarelott,C.(2006). Curriculum in context: designing curriculum and instruction for teaching and learning in context.Wadsworth.






304 Words  1 Pages
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