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Creating Learning Environments

Creating Learning Environments

            Playgrounds over the years have grown a great deal. Slides are one of the most well-liked playgrounds and they are designed by use of plastics or steel. They are usually established with both similar as well as rollers features. They are either in the straight or in curved form while others are joined with larger structures as other slides usually stand alone. Spinning playgrounds are the most recent form of playgrounds and they are exceptional from the common roundabouts. They are composed of straight poles that are bent at the top. For safety purposes for the children, they are usually structured with platforms that are located at the bottom. These playgrounds work through the pulling of the spinning equipment towards an individual’s centre of gravity. These playgrounds are alternative solution to the unsafe merry go round playgrounds.  Balance beam is another form of playground and they involve development of balance sense among the children. These playgrounds thus offer a grand ground level play activities as they also support in the improvement of dexterities. Hanging activities are other forms of playgrounds hat are designed for all children across all ages. Climbing activities are other forms of the most exciting playgrounds for children. They usually have three most important configurations that are the flat feature planes that have bubbles where the children will be able to hold as they climb. There are others that are have cargo nets features and others are featured with bar lattices that are small and they look like the monkey bars with angles.

            Outdoor activities are essential for activities that enhance cognitive development such as music, art and language. As children spend and interact more with their natural environment during their outdoor activities, they are capable of seeing the manner in which everything in nature has its own true purpose in life (Bullard 2010). Thus, as children participate in most of these outdoor activities, they start to appreciate nature and as a result of this they are able to encourage a long term positive outlook about their natural environments and thus they can be able to sustain, manage as well as conserve it even in the future as they grow up. Hanging activities were my favorite playground activities. This is because it is more fun hanging and twisting as they offer a lot of skills.

            There are numerous outside activities that are available for young children besides the use of the playground equipments. They include, the flying of kites, playing with dolls through offering them with dolls that they may wash and dry them while they are outside, playing mind games while in the outside setting. Other activities include the plying of musical instruments in an outside field as they play in a band. Provision of chalks so that they can play with them as they draw shadows and provision of different colored papers so that they can be involved in airplane making activity are other outside activities for children. Burring of items under sand and giving out equipments to the children so as to act as archeologists do, hanging of a hoop from a tree as you gather the children to throw the balls over the loop. Finally, one can offer mazes as well as hopscotch on the field and carrying out bubble activities.





Bullard, J. (2010). Creating Environments for Learning (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education



568 Words  2 Pages
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