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Teaching in the Zone

Teaching in the Zone

I am going to help a teenager in learning about the new technology. In order to make sure that the individual is able to understand whatever I will be teaching him, I will first and foremost engage him in a conversation about the new technology (Newman, 2007). I will therefore get to know what he knows about the new technology, and what he is not familiar with about the new technology. This will therefore enable me to be able to understand the types of methods which I should employ in order to enable the individual to fully understand the new technology. Secondly, I would build the individual’s knowledge through scaffolding, whereby I would first and foremost teach the individual through what he knows in order to get what he does not know. In so doing I will be able to use the prior knowledge that the individual has about the new technology, in order to enable him to connect with the new teachings.

Thirdly, I would research on the previous topics which the student has learnt concerning the new technology. This would therefore enable me to be able to use the topic when I start to teach the individual on a new concept (Newman, 2007). This will therefore help in making the individual to be able to connect to the new technology, through using the previous topics which he had learnt earlier on in class. Finally, I would use scaffolding to provide developmentally appropriate support, through using the previous topics which regard technological development that the individual had learnt previously in class. Internalization of speech will therefore occur, in order to understand if the individual has been able to understand what the new technology is really about.


John Henry Newman. (2007). Chapter 9 Newman Reader: The National Institute for Newman Studies.

306 Words  1 Pages
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