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Omni means all while potent means power. This attributes the nature of God as omniscience and omnipresence which makes God sovereign. This means that He has power over everything in all given ways during all times. The premises of the argument implies that God is omnipotent it true. This is supported by the definition of omnipotent (Keller, 2007). God can be seen as omnipotent during creation when He said that “Let there be” and it was so (Keller, 2007). When a person needs to create something or any material they need tools in order to carry out their job which is not the case to God as He simply spoke through the power of his word. God also managed to create everything from nothing (Keller, 2007). It is also true to say that no people in his/her own right mind would doubt that because God power can also be seen through His preservation of creation. God provision of the people basic needs and the renewable resources are sustained by His power. God also did proscribe the large waters that cover the earth.

Go can never do evil because His purpose to the people is to give them hope and a future. Plans to make His people prosper and not to ruin them. However, God has power is not limited as he can do whatever pleases Him. God has also put into the people's heart to carry out His purpose until His will is fulfilled. Evil deeds are meant to harm another person which is not the plan of God (Keller, 2007). In conclusion, it is true to say that the argument is true because God is powerful as he able to do all things that are consistent with His holy character.





Keller, J. A. (2007). Problems of evil and the power of God. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.

311 Words  1 Pages
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