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The book of Mathew 10: 1-15


Faith Integration Responds Week 7 Med

Form the book of Mathew 10: 1-15, Jesus gives his disciples the occurrence is essential to the disciples as the directives empowered disciples . also the disciples had the courage to face any rejection as expected in their mission and give the good news freely to show that salvation is priceless and once the disciples start putting a price on it, they would be diminishing it (Matt 10:8).  Consequently, Jesus told the disciples not to go to Gentiles or Samaritans but go to the lost and the people who had not yet received making the mission and works of Jesus Christ reach many people and new regions (Matt 10:6).

 The disciples were encouraged not to carry any bag for the journey made the evangelism easier since the disciples could walk to very long distances without any bag to slow them down(Matt 10:10). With the knowledge that there are some towns and homes that the disciples would face rejection, the disciples were able to prepare themselves psychologically be ready to counter the non-receptive areas and go to the houses where they are invited. Consequently, the disciples were prepared to leave a blessing to the families that welcome them with open arms (Matt 10: 14).

According to the book of Numbers 11:16-30, God empowers elders from different houses in Israel to help Moses in making the Israelites understand the will of God with them. Consequently, the elders had a better knowledge of the people around their community due to their continued interactions making it easier to pass God's message to reach the people. From the readings, the leaders needed public cognition for the people to know and have respect for the leaders making their work easier.


This passage is very relevant as it shows the importance of delegation of duties. For instance, an institution would be well performing if the manager knew how to give different people different management roles. Consequently, the delegation of responsibilities makes the rapport between the management and the subordinates are more comfortable and productive by saving the time to pass essential messages. Through delegation of roles, people felt respected and honored hence will work harder owning the company name and protecting its reputation.



Work Cited

Numbers 16:11-30

Mathew 10: 1-15 

378 Words  1 Pages
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