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The manner in which an individual decides to worship is basically dependent on their choice. There is no wrong or right way of worshiping in as long as one is comfortable in the choice that they make. However I feel that when people come together as a group for a worship experience they get to socialize and communicate about what they are going through in their lives and what the Lord has done for them openly and proudly. By giving of such testimonies, people get their faith strengthened and this also works as a form of encouragement for the others. The worship gatherings as defined by functionalist perspective are a source of social stability, these believe in a supernatural being brings people together and it unifies them.

Worshipping helps to satisfy both the social and human needs of belonging, as well as having people who act as a source of encouragement in the society. I believe that I am leading by example; I always encourage my friends and my family to join me as I attend worship services. I treat every individual fairly, irrespective of their faith because I understand that everyone is entitled to their own decisions as long as they are doing what is right. An active inner spirit should be an individual that other people follow because of his ethics and compassion to help others and ensure that they are leading righteous lives. These are people that should not be afraid to stand for what they believe in as long as it is ethical and Godly. They should always ensure that they treat every individual fairly as they teach the ways of Christ and encourage more people to seek a righteous life.




286 Words  1 Pages
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