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Ramadan Event

Ramadan Event

The event was basically about the holy month of Ramadan, whereby Muslims in Germany were fasting, praying and also reflecting on the events that had unfolded in the communities. As a holy month, Muslims in Germany used their time to support the needy, attend to prayers in the Mosque and most of all fast from dusk to dawn. Umi a Muslim lady working at a grocery store fasts from morning to evening, stating that she fasts even though she at work for a period of 30 days, in order to remain clean and for her prayers to be heard (DW News, 2011). She believes that hunger is a state of mind and if someone is focused on prayers then he or she cannot feel hungry while fasting. Most Muslims are also supported the needy through offering donations.

Watching the event, I learnt of how Muslims valued their Islamic culture and how they were determined to pray and support the needy. This is not something that most people would do, nonetheless, they remained hungry for a period of 12 hours, after which they would go into deep prayers before break the fast which was termed as ‘Iftar’. In addition, I also learnt of how Muslims were accustomed to their culture, and how they follow the dictates of the Quran. All the Muslims also took part in supporting the needy regardless of whether they rich or poor, but the little they had they shared with those who were in need. While breaking the fast, food would be distributed to the needy showing an act of humility. Finally I understood that one must not be rich to support the needy, but we should support them in whatever way we can.


DW News (2011). Ramadan in Germany | Journal Reporters. Retrieved from:


304 Words  1 Pages
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