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Self-Defense/Defense of Others and the Bible

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You must research the topic and provide a well-written answer to the prompt. Your thread must be between 250–300 words. You must incorporate at least 2 scholarly sources (in addition to your textbook) for your thread. You must cite your sources parenthetically in the text as needed and provide full citations at the end of each posting in current APA format.

Topic: Self-Defense/Defense of Others and the Bible

In 1987, Florida became a "shall issue" concealed carry state, which opened a floodgate of states who adopted similar laws. Currently, all 50 states allow some form of concealed carry. This has brought attention to many theories of self-defense and defense of others.

Please discuss the following:
•    Define the Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws.
•    Discuss the concept of self-defense as it appears in the Bible.
•    Can one reconcile saving his/her own life at the expense of another's life from a biblical standpoint?
•    Compare the Bible's teachings on self-defense and murder.

175 Words  1 Pages
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