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Discuss the following statistics based on the reading and try to answer the question (with 300 words)of why are the adherents of other faiths/non-faith in America receptive to Buddhism more than any other religion?

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Paper Instructions:

Read: Esposito, Fasching, and Lewis, “Buddhism: Paths Toward Nirvana,” pp. 399-487

Discuss the following statistics based on the reading and try to answer the question (with 300 words)of why are the adherents of other faiths/non-faith in America receptive to Buddhism more than any other religion? 

According to the Pew Research Survey on Religious Landscape in America conducted in 2014:

“67% of the Buddhists surveyed indicate that they were raised in a religion other than Buddhism or with no religious affiliation.”

“Among those surveyed who are married or living with a partner, Buddhists are more likely than members of most other groups to indicate that they are in a mixed-faith relationship, with fully six-in-ten Buddhists (61%) saying their spouse or partner has a religion other than Buddhism.”

140 Words  1 Pages
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