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Show from specific texts how human rebellion impacts the relationship of people with God, with humanity, and with creation. What do you think these opening chapters of the Bible say about the human condition today? Support your answer with specific bibli

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Show from specific texts how human rebellion impacts the relationship of people with God, with humanity, and with creation.  What do you think these opening chapters of the Bible say about the human condition today? Support your answer with specific biblical citations.
    2. In Biblical narratives, the main characters are key to the lessons of the stories. In the stories about Abraham and his family, in what sense are the major characters faithful and in what sense are each flawed? What insight into God do you see in these stories about the matriarchs and patriarchs?
    3.  From the two global perspectives offered in this module, which point struck you and caused you to think about a story differently. In writing your answer, be sure to quote specific words/sentences from the global perspective and then explain why those words caught your attention.
    4.  Show from specific texts in Genesis 1-2 how God is a God of relationships. Is there evidence in the texts of relationships within God, between God and human beings, between human beings, or between non-human elements in the universe? Support your answer with specific biblical citations.
199 Words  1 Pages
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