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Sociology Personal Experience

Sociology Personal Experience


Religion (p. 344) - Religion is an act of worship to a supreme being who has unmatched powers. Religion has a particular system of faith and worship where one has a pursuit or interest that can be best described to the supreme importance (Giddens, 2008). Religion involves a cultural system that contains specific practices and behaviors, holy grounds, sacred texts, ethics and the societal organization which can be explained as a set of beliefs that apprehends nature, cause and purpose in the universe (Giddens, 2008).

I am a strong Islamic believer raised by religious parents. When growing up I found it to be more of a routine thing but I did not necessarily know what it involved. In order to facilitate the process of learning my religion, our Mosque had a service for children where we were basically taught about the Quran and how the world came to be. When I was growing up our country education system offered religious studies all through the curriculum where my knowledge broadened and I became more aware of what entails to be a Muslim.

Nowadays technology has really changed exchange of information especially through the use of the internet. Social media has really helped me beyond the normal classroom knowledge as I have been able to identify other religions and some of their practices such as that of the Christian religion. This platform has been used by people from all religions sharing what they do and what it is expected of them by their religion. I have come to understand that religion is a strong belief to every person who believes in it and respect is paramount to all.



 Giddens, A. (2008). Essentials of sociology. New York : W.W. Norton & Co.


























































































































































































295 Words  1 Pages
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