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Immigrants help the United States Economy


Immigrants help the United States Economy

Immigration is something that has been debated about for years, with arguments that illegal immigrants negatively impact the economy but this is wrong. I totally disagree with this argument. Illegal immigrants are a benefit to the economy and they help increase revenues for the state. The United States economy thrives with the presence of illegal immigrants.

Illegal immigrants come to the United States to look for greener pastures and this means that they come ready to find jobs and work without any considerations on the wages that they are given. These are people that are willing to take up any jobs and most especially the ones that the native workers consider to be inappropriate for them. The immigrants take up farm work, housekeeping and any other manual routine work that is available which help deal with the issue of human resource in these areas (Peri, p. 1).

Immigrants help in adding a significant number of workers for the state. Most of the native born persons of working age are in school, others are retired and others are impaired because of drug use which limits their qualification for employment. With these facts in mind, the work force that is provided by the immigrants greatly help to fill this gap in the economy, which helps in keeping the GDP growing (Florence et al., p 1).

When the work of the immigrants is compared with the work of the natives in regard to salaries, the immigrants provide for cheaper labour which allows the U.S economy to thrive. This also helps the businesses to expand the job opportunities which make it easy for the immigrants to be absorbed in the economy (Florence et al., p 1). When the businesses expand, they allow for more jobs to be created and this means that even the natives have better chances of acquiring better jobs without blaming the immigrants for taking up all the jobs.

The illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the economy in the sense that they take up the jobs that are always in short supply of the natives. Without these immigrants, the natives will have to be given more salaries in order to incentivize them to provide some of these services meaning that there would be low supply and high demand at a higher cost thus hurting the economy (Peri, p. 1). The Immigrants taking up this manual jobs, gives the natives a chance to expand their knowledge and expertise allowing them to get better jobs and hence increased revenues for them. In another case scenario of how immigrants help the economy is in regard to taxation. The more the immigrants mean that there is more spending which in the overall means that there is more tax earnings for the economy (Florence et al., p 1).

Many may argue against illegal immigrants on the basis that they affect the culture of the American society in with increased cases of crimes and drug related issues which are all true. However when the analysis is made on the effects that these immigrants have on the economy, having them is more advantageous and they should be allowed to stay to help improve the economy. Immigrants help increase the workforce in United States most especially in the some sectors like agriculture, construction and personal services that have problems finding the right human source without considerations of skills.

Works cited

Peri, Giovani .. The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity. (2010,

August 30). Retrieved from


Florence Jaumotte, Ksenia Koloskova & Sweta Saxena. This is The Impact of Migration on

Productivity. (2017, January 13). Retrieved November 14, 2018, from





616 Words  2 Pages
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