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Technology's effect on society

Technology's effect on society


Technology plays as the main role in how the young people connect as well as interact with each other. Parents should therefore; keep monitoring their kid’s reactions in interaction on social media, by knowing their friends. Some parents place restrictions on children’s digital gargets especially the internet regardless their behaviors. Restrictions should limit the time and manner in which kid’s approaches as well as uses the website. Technology has become a site that is more than just using computers for economic purposes, but also an information streaming platform into individual’s life. However, the digital world does not confine any kind of interaction thereby; children and teenagers are placed in a situation where they can post and view any kind of video or photos (Solove, Rotenberg & Schwartz, 2016).

Technology affects negatively the way people think

Introduction of technology on individual’s especially children alters their brain completely, by changing negatively their thinking capacity. This book suggests that the Individual’s capacity to reflect, reasons as well as understanding are based on their experiences, acquired knowledge plus insight. The brain produces the aspect of what a child does, especially from observing, learning and questioning. Issues brought by the technology are complicated particularly on children because, the brain is still developing whereby; it ends by wiring them out. The more a child is exposed to technology, determines the kind of attention they develop (Hanks, 2011).


In today’s world parents live in fear due to higher influence of digital devices, which poses a threat on their kids. However, the only solution to avoiding issues is monitoring the use of technology. Parents and teachers should make sure they know how children are using technology, especially by putting restrictions on various programs in computers. Parents should learn of their children friends in phone as well as restrict various calls or texts. Technology should only be used by kids and teens for learning as well as generating creativity, especially through the ‘eBooks’ or graphic software for little children. Parents should encourage their kids on using technology for creativity through supervision (Hanks, 2011).

Technology affects how children and teenagers Emotions

Technology development in the society has turned kids’ lives into digital thus; turning them into different creatures from the elders. Children’s privacy is becoming much concern to the guardians, since they seem to develop a different altitude whereby digital life highly affects their emotions. Face-book has served as the major internet platform that takes billions of active users by, keeping them in touch with their friends. However, the social media does not restrict any kind of interaction thereby; children and teenagers are placed in a situation where they can post and view any kind of video or photos. Overuse of technology by young people has highly affected their mood, especially those who are ford of computer games seems to have a different sense of being as compared to others (Russell-Brown, 2009).


Technology developers have introduced an essential program “Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act,” which aims at protecting children under the age of fourteen from sharing personal life.  Parents should also take responsibility by keeping up with their kids digital gargets, to recognize the causes of issues early. It is necessary to monitor a child’s activity online by, simply using technology based tool in blocking what they view online that might spoil them. Every family and child is unique in the society thereby; it is upon parents to take care of their kids, probably by ensuring that they are not left alone in bedrooms using technology without monitoring.

Technology put Privacy at Risk


According to the article, improper usage of the advance technology poses numerous risks on individuals thereby; young people who use the social media opt to share private information thus putting their lives under threat. It suggests that social media there are several sex offenders who aim at destroying the young people by asking of all details about them. Unlike the technology risks on children, it is also posed on businesses whereby; hacker are able to view all the private information of a company thus, poses threats. The article indicates that opening private details on social media is hazardous because, many teenagers have been bullied especially by participating on online nude sexing (Solove, Rotenberg & Schwartz, 2016).


The best solution to protecting personal privacy is by, paying attention of private setting on all social media platforms. Leaving profile to public on social media should be avoided, because it easily allows anyone with interest to easily search individual’s name thus; access any detail one shares on the site. It is necessary for one to think twice before sharing anything, especially while contacting a financial institution. Many business organizations they have dealt with the issue by, employing big expertise advanced to the new technology to investigate on hackers thus, developing possible measures (Solove, Rotenberg & Schwartz, 2016).

Technology leads to obesity


Technology is a good thing though; it poses a threat when it comes to health issues especially on young children. Childhood obesity being the main impact has rapidly grown and tablets video games and televisions seems to be causing more harm than good. Technology does not only keep individuals seated but also changes the manner in which people take meals. Traditionally obesity was as a result of the amount of food intake but, recently according to health care technology is the main blame whereby; the young people are the victims (Simmers, Simmers-Nartker & Simmers-Kobelak, 2011).


Obesity has spread at a higher rate globally, the major cause being advance digital life. However, the digital garget developers have created interactive apps as well as health trackers to distract the program viewed. Online zombies need to be taught about their health importance and, programs that are essential at local levels. Technical Companies have developed a tool designed in all digital gargets, aimed at generating educational kindle on healthier habits. Health Care Services have introduced educative apps online, with the aims of inspiring viewers on healthier routines like the yoga. Teachers have ensured that they give assignments, which requires students to read hard copy material thus; keeping them away from watching their obsessed programs (Simmers, Simmers-Nartker & Simmers-Kobelak, 2011).



The society has been highly affected negatively by technology whereby; people does not only depend on the digital life but also are enslaved to it. Children being the society tomorrow’s leaders are currently exposed to technology than it have ever been before. However, the negative impacts generated by social media as well as television on adults, are highly implicated of children’s mind as well. Technology has been a threat to the society whereby; it causes individual’s to suffer from mental as well as emotional dilemmas which are all symptoms of phobia.  It is genuine that website it the greatest ground for it users to explores well as learn though there are still risks attached. Parents can block their kid’s gargets from downloading un-educational programs (Hanks, 2011).


Hanks, C. (2011). Technology and values. Oxford: Blackwell.

Russell-Brown, K. (2009). The Power of Social Media. New York: New York University

Solove, D. J., Rotenberg, M., & Schwartz, P. M. (2016). Privacy, information, and technology. New York: Aspen Publishers.

Simmers, L., Simmers-Nartker, K., & Simmers-Kobelak, S. (2011). Introduction to health science technology. Australia: Delmar Cengage Learning.











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