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Technology Pedagogical Approach Knowledge


Doering, A., Koseoglu, S., Scharber, C., Henrickson, J., & Lanegran, D. (2014). Technology integration in K–12 geography education using TPACK as a conceptual model. Journal of Geography, 113(6), 223-237.

  1. The issues discussed on the article are about the need of professional quality expansion agendas and forms concentrating on the requirements and problems of K-12 skill incorporation in the geography classroom.  The review utilized several approaches designed to explore reviews and clarifications to assess the teachers’ practices within an expertise advanced agenda.  This focuses on advancing the in-service geography tutors and satisfied familiarity through detailed education devices and assets. 
  2. The major point in the article is that there is the need of using the GIS technology tools that allow users to use their critical thinking abilities to analyze the geographic information and acknowledge the rising data. These tools such as technology and the TPACK support the geospatial involvement with a greater success. Teachers should be able to use the geospatial devices beyond their professional advancement and teacher-training agendas.
  3. The authors recommend the use of Technology pedagogical approach Knowledge (TPACK) that has surfaced as a useful feature for describing the goals of technology use in preservice teacher education. The article addresses that the framework applies to promote expertise incorporation lessons.  While some of these features have successfully proved to increase teacher’s ability in designing technology-enhanced lessons, attending technology training courses is not possible to teachers. They conclude that a possible way to sustain skill integration is to give tutors technology-incorporated implements.
  4. The major insight given by the authors is that successful involvement of instruction and knowledge needs the integration of machinery in a classroom. In addition, technology is not an educational strategy but an important tool used in dissimilar behaviors to convene diverse aims in geography teaching. Successful integration of tutors into machinery reflects their individual beliefs about whether the use of equipment aids the scholar education and their academic objectives.
  5. As I respond to this article, many teachers find GST tool as effective to improve the geographic investigation and good critical thinking processes. The importance of the equipment device for teaching and education and the focus connected to learning with the technology application does not hinder them from exploring the device.  This is a clear response based on the use of the technological device in learning geography, which has promoted the geography lessons by providing the students with quality information. 

Graham, C. R. (2011). Theoretical considerations for understanding technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Computers & Education, 57(3), 1953-1960.

  1. Graham’s article discusses about the issues on outcomes to show that instructional scaffolding plays a vital function in civilizing the skills of the teachers to involve technology in meaningful approaches towards improving the student’s geographic investigation abilities.  These issues refers to any guidance that aims in assisting teachers in integrating content and technology during planning and delivery of their lessons.  This help occurs in several ways such writing in texts or training activities and finally enables teachers to involve the three basics of TPACK elements.
  2. The article’s major point is that the teacher’s confidence concerning pedagogy remains high and their confidence in involving the technology connected TPACK component increases. Support on the connections of the integration of the TPACK structure aims in assisting teachers in using technology.  Though these K-12 programs seem beneficial to integrate technology in education, the article shows that the integrated support does not lead to a full integration.  The article shows that an in-service teacher who technologically train and taught how it works helps during problem-based learning.
  3. The author recommends the use of proficient advanced programs involving teachers with pedagogies and useful technology incorporation approaches. Obstruction in machinery incorporation and the ability to use knowledge efficiently depends on the personal aspects such as optimistic approach involvement, inspiration in developing one’s aptitude and ecological aspects such as the accessibility of industrial aid and technical infrastructure.  He concludes that their backgrounds persist to boost in intricacy; it openly deals with shared skills of teaching and learning. Tutors do not require being skilled in knowledge or pedagogy but well contented for thriving incorporation.
  4. The author brings new insights in the classroom discussions as they said that the connection between giving genuine learning activities and increased students engagement improves by the use of technology in the real world.  Thus, technology is real to students and thus engaging in technology becomes easier. The author claim that limited knowledge on technology is a barrier and teachers require expanding their expertise for easy errands.
  5. My response to the article is clear.  The article allows you incorporate images and information and provides students with an outlook of the earth in that they exist.  The importance of teaching with skills is the same with the ability to engage scholars in real-life situations that help students review matters and grasp interconnections of the world.  The earths that insert genuine knowledge in their surroundings have the possibility to amplify the teacher and student environmental concept that unites with efficient pedagogies. The submission of these features in the geography classroom is vital because it has steady looms to geographic comprehension and increases the attention to geography requirement

Murphy, A. B., & Hare, P. R. (2016). The Nature of Geography and Its Perspectives in AP® Human Geography. Journal of Geography, 115(3), 95-100.

  1. The article describes the issue on how the students who study about Human Geography needs to expand their knowledge on what it needs to review the globe from geography approach.  Focusing on the geographical concern with spatial connections, the geographic background helps the students to acknowledge the personality of the subject and the insight it gives.  These nucleus subject apprehensions should turn into arguments of the different topic enclosed in the study of the Human geography.
  2. The major point in the article is that it introduces students to the orderly review of the outlines and procedures that shape the human understanding and the use of Earth’s facade. Students put more emphasis on the landscape in order to review the human social organization and environmental results. They also learn about the ways and devices that the geographers use in their skills and practice.
  3. The authors of the article recommend the study of human population because it is not fixed and the universal population will continue increasing. He claims that those who study population are aware that population growth is diminishing. They conclude that the growth of human population is one of the defining features in the present world and the main issue in the human geography.  Human population shows the different characteristics on geography. 
  4. In the article, the authors bring new insights in that the main geographic features are in the site, space, and area and on globalization. Here, students are able to interpret the maps and understand the function of brain mapping. These resources are important in utilizing the AP Human Geography lesson.
  5. As a response to the article, it views the globe from a spatial approach where it seeks to acknowledge the adjusting spatial organization and material feature of the Earth’s façade. The main advantage of the article is on the provision of nature assess that happen in different places.  It helps understand how the political regulations and the economic restriction work together to form specific landscapes.




















Doering, A., Koseoglu, S., Scharber, C., Henrickson, J., & Lanegran, D. (2014). Technology integration in K–12 geography education using TPACK as a conceptual model. Journal of Geography, 113(6), 223-237.

Graham, C. R. (2011). Theoretical considerations for understanding technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Computers & Education, 57(3), 1953-1960.

Murphy, A. B., & Hare, P. R. (2016). The Nature of Geography and Its Perspectives in AP® Human Geography. Journal of Geography, 115(3), 95-100.




1281 Words  4 Pages
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