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Technology and Learning Management

Technology and Learning Management

Learning Management Systems is a general term utilized the describing a server based learning system that is developed in the quest of managing learning materials and learners interactions (Fyffe, 2015). LMS permits the availability of materials on the online platform that permitting learners to view as well as associated with learning content via a web browser particularly from any computer or mobile devices with browsing abilities. LMS software’s provides companies with all the necessities in the management of the employee training initiatives. The use of LMS can benefit corporations in the creation of training curricula in offering education to employees and creating opportunities for them to show or acquire competencies and certification in areas that are relevant to their responsibilities (Fyffe, 2015). This paper will be investigating the functionality, features, and benefits associated with both Aurion Learning and Moodle LMS.

LMS holds a number of responsibilities in relation to improving the functionality of employee training initiatives in the organization. One of the core functionality is training administration. The use of employee training software’s is useful because users are able to simplify and organize training management that incorporates procedures such as managing user information, training content distribution, course enrollment as well as scheduling (Bonk & Graham, 2006). An additional functionality is a content creation and management, which is a functionality that offers the respective buyers the general capability of authoring their individualized content to be learned thus delivering the required training based on the needs and the structure of the organization. Curricula setting is an additional LMS function and with this functionality, users are able to combine the developed courses by mainly focusing on their specialization areas while assigning and reassigning the learning necessities. This is the certification approach that incorporates the managing, establishment and well as certification programs settings for those industrial sectors that necessitate the certification of staffs in the conduction of specified working responsibilities (Bonk & Graham, 2006).

LMS also has the core functionality of proficiency reporting and testing given that it can administer trials that seek to assess the employees’ skills and knowledge. The analytical and recording functionality is useful in the determination of proficiency as well as establishing staffs learning gaps and the appropriate learning strategies (Fyffe, 2015). Further, the systems offer employee-individualized service functionality in that employees can fully access the training content and the most demanding and necessary learning from their personal devices. This system additionally possesses electronic records (Fyffe, 2015). Through the centralization of staffs training records within the systems, users are exposed to simplified and convenient access to training content, evaluation results as well as course materials from a single system.

Moodle LMS is an open LMS that is currently the most utilized accounting for about tens of million users on the global scale. Moodle, s flexible convenient as well as highly cost efficient which makes it the better option (Kats, 2010). Traditionally this source was being utilized in the provision of education to distance learners but currently, organizations globally are utilizing the software in offering online training and learning. Its flexibility is acquired based on its general capability to offer online diverse courses as well as supporting face to face training and learning. Moodle LMS can benefit the training functionality of the organization by increasing the general capability of employees to relate and embrace consistent changes that are linked to organization culture (Kats, 2010). The prime benefit of the software in improving training outcome is based on its open nature. This, therefore, implies that the source can be accessed by all the employees thus creating uniformity and cost efficiency. In addition the users and the administrators and manage and alter the learning content in meeting the particular economic needs of the corporation. In addition, the transformed version can also be shared amongst the users which create efficiency and flexibility (Kats, 2010). The software is also economic friendly as it ensures that staffs learn at reduced costs while providing interaction platforms where the users can interact and share thoughts regarding a subject. This is essential, in creating effective communication and the good relation which in turn creates staff's satisfaction.

More so, Moodle is beneficial as it creates collaborative learning and increased user’s engagement which results in higher learning abilities. There is a higher level of engagement based on the ease accessibility and flexibility in delivering training (Kats, 2013). This concept is therefore advantageous to organization training given that it creates personalization which increases the sense of motivation and participation. In addition, the fact that learning is accessible at any given period even on offline period and at any location is useful for learners as it ensures that they remain in the desired direction within their training and this leads to lower resistance and dropout. The software supports the highest performance which increases training efficiency and generates desirable outcomes (Kats, 2013). Learners normally prefer to utilize learning approaches that are not obstructive to their normal routines as this might create inconveniences and pressure. Operating in flexible and open systems, therefore, generates learning habits that bring out the highest performance quality.

    The software’s is additionally linked to phone based organizers and reminders which are incorporated with online learning platforms. Through the software’s learners gets the opportunity of acquiring updates as well as notifications regarding their relevant courses which should be checked at regular grounds (Kats, 2013). In addition, this implies that courses can be assumed on the daily ground without the unlearning of the prior information. The flexibility that is provided by the accessible sources and browsers learning abilities is enormous given that it equips the learners with the general capability of completing learning courses and the initiation of the upcoming courses (Lindenberg & ASTD, 2012). Factually, this results in the success and the seamless mobile learning user experiences. This works in ensuring comprehensive motivation on the users and the capability to switch without much strain.

    On the other hand, Aurion Learning LMS is currently growing to be an unavoidable in managing employees learning as well as the training initiatives. The software is characterized by the capability to deliver high extent approach as well as practical approaches to enhancing the use by participants as well as encouraging technological adoption (Kats, 2010). In addition, the software organizes learning content and materials in a specified location for easy access. This results in the reduction of risks that might lead to losing significant information which makes it easy to learn and modify courses to suit the general necessities of the organization. The software also offers unlimited access to the online learning materials. This means that the staffs can access more information that is required in the development of their competencies as well as skills significantly. There is ease flexibility on the grounds that users are not forced to wait until getting on the online platforms so that they can acquire training that is necessary for the development of skills required in generating efficiency in relation to their work. This is the prime reason as to why Aurion Learning remains to be a prime necessity for the global users in the differentiated global regions (Kats, 2010). Communication is an essential aspect that is required in achieving learning efficiency thus through this platform's success can be acquired by ensuring that learners become good communicators and collaborative through interactions and teaming up in accomplishing similar tasks.

    The system additionally has an eased tracking learning and progress approach. As one of the best systems that might benefit the functionality of training programs for the organization by motivating employees, encouraging collaboration and improving the general outcomes it offers the general capability of keeping tracks regarding the progress of the learners to ensure that the targeted performance is achieved (Lindenberg & ASTD, 2012). For example in cases that the staffs are unable to successfully complete the learning scenario supplemental contents can be offered to improve both their learning conduct as well as performance. Moreover, modifications can also be made of the respective content in the quest to ensure that efficiency is acquired. The platform also creates knowledge grounds where assessment to evaluate performance and the effects of training on employees growth can be assessed (Maier, 2004). The software can be useful in improving the functionality of the programs by developing efficiencies as well as enhancing the general growth through the provision of diversified learning. Further, the system is practical rather than theoretical as learners have access to videos that demonstrate the manner in which duties should be developed and the required skills (Maier, 2004). In my opinion, based on the efficiency of LMS the only lacking thing is the acceptance by major corporations of adopting the system in managing to learn.








Bonk, C. J., & Graham, C. R. (2006). The handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs.

Fyffe, D. (2015). Learning Management System Efficiency vs. Staff Proficiency. S.L.: Lulu Com.

Kats, Y. (2010). Learning management system technologies and software solutions for online teaching: Tools and applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Kats, Y. (2013). Learning management systems and instructional design: Best practices in online education. Hershey, Pa: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA.

Lindenberg, S., & American Society for Training and Development. (2012). Selecting and implementing an LMS. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.

Maier, R. (2004). Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.



1569 Words  5 Pages
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