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Technology Adoption Life Cycle

Crossing the chasm

 The idea behind Technology Adoption Life Cycle results from the importance of one’s attitude toward the adoption of technology when a product that needs the change of their present behavior, alter the services or products is introduced.  The introduction of disruptive technologies requires that businesses be ready to adopt them in the production process and marketing approach so that they can profit from them (Moore, 12).

The various types of consumers in the technology adoption cycle include laggard, early majority, later majority and the early adopter or innovator.  The innovator category includes those customers who aggressively pursue the new introduced technological products and normally look for them before a program for marketing them is launched.  Technology forms a basic part of their life and they are intrigued by any advancement (Moore, 16).  The early adopters accept the notion of the new product in the early part of life cycle but are not usually intrigued by technology. These people are able to understand and even appreciate the benefits arising out of such advancement and relate it to other issues concerning them as long as there is a strong match (Moore, 16). Early majority possess an ability to relate to new technology but require a practicality for them to adopt.  Late majority have same concerns with early majority but are not comfortable handling new technology products (Moore, 16). Laggards comprises of people with no interest in new technology due to various reasons like economic or personal ones and will only acquire the technology after it is deeply integrated with another product(Moore, 17).

The most integral factor to success of adoption is the ability to see, understand and even value the various benefits that arises from the new technology. This can allow the customers to relate their needs with the potential benefits and hence, buy the new products that have been introduced.

Works cited

Moore, Geoffrey A. Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Project. HarperCollins e-Books, 2014.


328 Words  1 Pages
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