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This anthology has a homepage that allows the reader to easily see all the pieces contained in it. There is a navigation bar at the top and then images below that function as buttons, linking to pages in the anthology. This type of home page uses a combination of imagery, fonts, and background images to create a unified feel to the anthology. These stylistic choices are carried through to the subpages of the website as well. As media creators, consider the audience and purpose for your anthology. The audience in this case is your teacher, and your purpose is to showcase your ability to analyze literature and communicate your ideas effectively through writing, speaking, and media creation. How will this audience and purpose guide you in choosing the organization, look, and feel of your anthology? Works have been grouped according to the type of text, which isn’t mandatory, but in this case, it made it easier to organize. Each text has its own page. You will note that the navigation bar shows a page has been created for the annotated bibliography. Although you have already submitted your annotated bibliography, you should include this as part of your published anthology since your analyses will have parenthetical citations. If you clicked on Poem 1 in the navigation bar, or the “Dulce et Decorum Est” button on the main page, you would get to the page below. Note that the entire poem has been made available for the reader in this example. While this is not always necessary, you do need to ensure your reader (in this case, your teacher) is able to access the text you are referencing. The easier you make this for the reader, the better. The next example includes an excerpt of a longer text, and then a button that links to the original source so the reader can access the entire text. Unlike the example above, the entire text has not been reproduced. The analysis in this example is actually just placeholder text, but you can see how you might lay out your analysis in relation to your text. Additionally, the analysis included is in video format. The video was uploaded to Youtube and then added to the site. Remember, not every selection in your anthology will have a full analysis, but you should still include the brief explanation from your annotated bibliography. You will also need to think of an effective way to present your text either in its entirety, or as an excerpt, with a link to the rest of the text.