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How have advancements in technology affected our social relationships with others?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How have advancements in technology affected our social relationships with others?

The goal in this section is to write a coherent, well-crafted essay that demonstrates your
understanding of the writing process and the skills necessary to produce clear, effective
expository prose.

The essay will be evaluated on the basis of:
1. Thesis statement
2. Argument (logic, development, evidence, organization, introduction, conclusion)
3. Grammar, punctuation, style and spelling
4. Quotations and documentation

write a well-crafted essay response of six or seven paragraphs. 

All citations must be properly documented in terms of both in-text citations and
reference/works cited at the end of your paper. Any style will be accepted as long as
you are consistent.

124 Words  1 Pages
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