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Introducing coding in classroom

Introducing coding in classroom

 The article highlights the need for incorporating computer science lessons in American classrooms in order to fill the large gap between the required market skills and education offered in schools. The logic behind the introduction of compulsory computer lessons relating to programming is significant, considering the role of computer in business operations and daily activities.  The push by tech companies to have computer programming lessons being part of school curriculum has a sound basis even though there some vested interest behind it.

Amidst the efforts by the government to limit the immigration, there is a need to have American experts on computer science to avert the impact of such limitation on firms that have been relying on foreign engineers (Singer, 1). In addition, it would give an opportunity for students to develop important skills that would help them in succeeding in a market with constantly changing technology.  However in legislations in every state should be enacted to limit the amount of influence companies can have on public schools, and raising public awareness on the same.  This is important in ensuring that the demands of the industry are not give the priority over the interests of the students.

Works cited

Singer, Natasha .How Silicon Valley Pushed Coding Into American Classrooms.2017.1. Available at:



221 Words  1 Pages
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