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SCADA system for web-based access

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

I want you to write about how we can substitute the SCADA system instead of the PLC, or how a combination of both SCADA and PLC could be used to create an web-based access into systems from laboratories. This would allow access to real-life instruments in real-life infrastructures or labs through the internet for both learning and working purposes. Also, you could include how this can be developed using some type of web technology or visual studios. Try to focus it on both its uses Oil and Gas Industries and also for students learning and interning in this field as well which includes me. This last point is really important. 

Would be great if in the Project Report:

1. You include a short executive summary paragraph in the beginning. 

2. Do not include tables, figures, or diagrams. I will be doing that myself. I just need you to write the wording.

162 Words  1 Pages
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