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Write about an experience that led you to change your mind or change your habits. Follow the experiential learning cycle – experience, reflection, analysis, experimentation – to demonstrate how you moved from experience to a change of mind or habit. For

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Paper Instructions:

Length: about 1750 words 
Write about an experience that led you to change your mind or change your habits.  Follow the experiential learning cycle – experience, reflection, analysis, experimentation – to demonstrate how you moved from experience to a change of mind or habit. For this essay you should NOT use sources.  Use your own experience to establish expertise. 

In this assignment you will choose an experience (it doesn’t have to be a life threatening illness!), describe it, reflect on what happened, use this to form a theory or codify a practice, and then show how you apply the theory going forward.

This Experiential Learning CyclePreview the document is at the heart of a lot of expository writing:

We already saw this in the SumpterPreview the document essay. The author describes an experience (brain cancer), reflects on how it reshapes her understanding, forms a “theory” (you can plan but you don’t really have control), and then reshapes her behavior to accommodate this new understanding.

In the AndrewsPreview the document essay, the author develops panic disorder (experience), recognizes the problem and researches options (reflective observation), determines a course of action, and actively applies it.

Rationale This assignment validates your own experience as a form of evidence; it makes more transparent the process of moving from experiencing to analyzing to applying; it requires narrative control, good transitions, descriptive writing; it requires you to think about what your readers need to fully understand the transformative experience.

255 Words  1 Pages
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