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Water, Water, Everywhere

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Water, water, everywhere – and lots of it in bottles

Through our class presentations, you have been told that the Environmental Protection Agency regulates drinking water.  However, they do not regulate bottled water, that is under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration.
Bottled water is a big business. There are many different types of bottled water.  Water from your home faucet can also come from a number of different sources.
There is a pamphlet that is available through the EPA(
website listing the different types of bottled water and the way that the water can be treated before bottling. There is also information available on the Food and Drug Administration site (
Do some research into the six different types of bottled water, and the way they are treated before bottling. If you could choose a source and a treatment (or treatments) for your bottled water, what would they be and why? Explain the source of the water, but also explain the treatment to a degree greater than that in the pamphlet (in other words don’t transcribe the words from the pamphlet).
Compare the bottled water to Providence tap water, its source and treatment(s). Water reports are available on-line so you can do a comparison.
Look at 5 brands of bottled water. Which would you choose and why?
Compare your chosen bottled water to Providence tap water. Which would you choose, and why?
This only needs to be about three pages (double spaced).
Be sure to cite your sources (MLA is fine). Direct quotes are only acceptable in small amounts and if properly cited.

272 Words  1 Pages
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