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Would you prefer to live in the countryside or in the city?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

compare & contrast essay that should include thesis statement 
for any of the following

1.    Choose two countries and explain which one you would prefer to live in.  

2.    Would you prefer to live in the countryside or in the city?

3.    Who is / was a better artist / player / musician / politician / president, etc? Choose any two people.

4.    Choose two companies and explain which one you would prefer to work for?

5.    Compare two types of transport in a big city. Which one would you prefer to use?

6.    Choose two sports / activities and explain which one you would prefer to participate in?

7.    Do you think people are happier now than they were 50 years ago?

134 Words  1 Pages
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