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Create an essay comparing and contrasting two competing ideas or theories, and the relevant arguments

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Paper Instructions:

Objective: Create an  essay comparing and contrasting two competing ideas or theories, and the relevant arguments thereof, using templates in the process.

1. The essay should be a Word or PDF file. 

2. It should be written in 12 point font, double spaced and no less than 900 words.

3. It needs to cite all sources used (3-4 sources should suffice).

Possible Topics:

1. Socialism vs Capitalism

2. Traditional vs. Online Media

3. Democracy vs. Monarchy

4. American vs French Revolution

5. Classical Music vs. Hip-hop

6. Alcohol vs Marijuana

7. Orange County vs L.A. County

8. Email the professor a suggestion. It should be commensurate with college-level discussion (i.e., no apple juice vs orange juice, Nintendo vs Playstation, Kanye vs Post Malone, etc).

“Before starting the topic, organize the thoughts in a logical manner. Develop some kind of a chart/graph/table to have a visual picture of how the final draft should look like. In this type of academic writing, it is important to focus on the comparable qualities & characteristics of the subjects/events/people to impress the target audience. It means the author should pick original criteria to draw parallels or stressing the gap between the objects.”

211 Words  1 Pages
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