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Hamlet, Shakespeare

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

"Choose one of the plays, and focus on 1 scene from the play that  is crucial to the entire play. 

Create an argument that  proves HOW it is crucial to the play as a whole. As you create an essay ( 2- 3 pages) be sure to reveal how the scene works in the play.  Here are some important questions that your essay needs to address.

What leads up to the scene?

What is each character trying to achieve in the scene?

How does it change the remainder of the play ?

What does the playwright reveal about the characters in the scene?

How do the characters use language in the scene to try to obtain their goal in the scene?

Is the scene public or private?

Are the characters aware of other each other in the scene?

Are the characters being honest with each other?  with themselves?

The essay needs to have a beginning, a middle, and an end.  You can include a BRIEF summary of the action of the scene, but remember that you do not have to summarize the plot of the play.  Be sure to use multiple quotes as evidence to prove your argument."

210 Words  1 Pages
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