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Imagine you have been hired as a new school counselor.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Imagine you have been hired as a new school counselor. Consider the information on page 124 of your Facilitating Evidence-Based, Data-Driven School Counseling text. In five steps, identify what you would do to create a school counseling program. As you do so, be sure to highlight resources from the course (for example, you might cite your Facilitating Evidence-Based, Data-Driven School Counseling text).

Your post will probably reflect your understanding of how to assess the needs of the school, set goals, provide interventions, evaluate your program, and disseminate results. For this discussion, feel free to record a video of yourself, submit a PowerPoint presentation, create a flyer, or write a traditional written post.

123 Words  1 Pages
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