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What Makes Alfred Hitchcock′s Psycho Gothic Literature

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Paper Instructions:

Essay should include an introduction that introduces the topic and ends with a clearly worded, 1-2 sentence thesis statement. Each supporting paragraph (there should be at least 3) should begin with a strong topic sentence and should incorporate evidence, including direct quotations from secondary scholarly sources. Direct quotations should be incorporated using the quotation sandwich method and proper MLA in-text citations. The essay should also contain a strong conclusion. The final page of the document should consist of a Works Cited. Document should be 4-6 pages in length, typed and double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, size 12. The paper should have 1-inch margins and should include a properly formatted heading and a title. MUST locate these sources via either the JSTOR or Project Muse databases. You may not cite from Wikipedia, Sparknotes, or websites found via general Google searches.

151 Words  1 Pages
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