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The Globalization of Eating Disorders

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

An introduction that identifies the written text you are analyzing with brief background information (the author, year published, and important background of the text). 
A thesis statement that clearly and directly provides an analytical position about the effectiveness of the written text. 
Targeted summary or description of the text.  You will not focus exclusively on summarizing the plot of your chosen text.  Instead, approach this essay as if your audience has also read your chosen essay, so instead focus only on the features within the text that play a key role in supporting your analysis.  Targeted summaries, as well as direct quotes, serve to support and illustrate the points of your analysis. 
An explanation that demonstrates how your analysis supports or proves your thesis statement. 
A conclusion that leaves the reader with a lasting impression as to why the essay is impactful. 
APA formatting, including a title page, page numbers, running heads, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spacing. 
A reference page including the essay chosen as the subject of your analysis.  You will need to have AT LEAST one source for the final submission. It can be the text you read or another, academic source.

207 Words  1 Pages
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