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Book Report on ‘Where Does The Money Go?', Scott Bittle & Jean Johnson

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Paper Instructions:

The assignment for the book is to write a 6 page report that includes the following elements:
#1 A one page summary of the book.  This should include an overview of the major issues that the authors identify.  Provide examples from the book where possible.  I don’t need a chapter by chapter summary.  Just outline the major issues that you feel will provide an overview of what is important and what we need to be concerned with. 
#2  Identify  three (3) key issues and elaborate on how the authors point of view and/or reasoning on what or why this area is an issue.  Conduct research on the issue and provide two (2) sources of either confirmation or disagreement with the authors, using either a peer reviewed articles or empirical research papers on the topic.  I don’t expect graduate level arguments for or against.  I would like for each student to look into where the issue is currently at either for or against.  Cite accordingly. You should have a total of 6 citations.  Be sure to include why these issues are important to you. 
#3Conclusion-  Please provide a thoughtful conclusion summarizing what impact the book, your three key issues and the spending of the federal government have on you.  Also include any recommendations you would have to a potential candidate for political office. 
#4 Spelling and Grammar- Please use college level writing and grammar when completing this assignment.
#5 Citations- Please use proper format for identifying and citing the required citations

261 Words  1 Pages
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