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Absalom, Absalom!, William Faulkner

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Paper instructions:

Beginning with Malcolm Cowley, prominent Faulkner critics tend to see a “disconnect” between Faulkner’s greatest novels (and the world view, perspectives on humanity, and values they imply or underscore) and the philosophy circumscribed in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech (which such critics tend to dismiss as populist or sentimental thinking that has nothing to do with modernism and everything to do with merely pleasing an audience). Please read Faulkner’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech at the following website (the speech is only three paragraphs long): Nobel Prize for Literature Acceptance Speech (1950): William Faulkner. Then, as efficiently as you can, explain how the ideals of the address are inherent in or perhaps even central to his novel Absalom, Absalom!—especially as such ideals are tied to family relationships.


135 Words  1 Pages
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