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sci-fi futurism film EX-MACHINA

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Paper Instructions:


Overview: In this paper you will use scholarly articles, news stories, historical research, and all types of Google searches to inform your argument about a topic based on a sci-fi futurism film EX-MACHINA 

Please be mindful that this is a “process” paper—I will not be accepting papers that aren’t about the subject we’ve discussed. You are to advance an argument in your thesis statement and support it using research analysis.Required Length: 4-5 FULL pages (at least 1,300 words), not counting Works Cited.Additional Requirements: A minimum of 6 sources. At least two of these sources should be considered scholarly
.Format: All papers should be stapled, double-spaced, and in size 12, Times New Roman, Perpetua, Helvetica, or Garamond fonts. MLA style is required.  Works Cited Page: Required. Please consult Purdue’s OWL website for details on MLA format, particularly the (needlessly) dreaded “Works Cited” page.

165 Words  1 Pages
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