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Select one of the following themes: music, weather, possessions, family, marriage, love deception or death and trace it through two stories we’ve read. Be sure to analyze the short stories in such a way that your essay will cover the overall meaning and e

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

READ : “Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood 
“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin
“A Pair of Tickets” by Amy Tan

Select one of the following themes: music, weather, possessions, family, marriage, love deception or death and trace it through two stories we’ve read. Be sure to analyze the
short stories in such a way that your essay will cover the overall meaning and effectiveness of the works and show how they have a commonality. Create a tight thesis statement and support it with at least three quotes from each of the texts. Quote these references according to the MLA stylebook. Integrate your own explanations and interpretations that connect the works. You must also use at “least” one scholarly outside reference for each of your selected works.

State your thesis in the first paragraph and support it in logical, well-developed and well- organized paragraphs. The essay must be at least two typed, double-spaced pages. Use a size 12 font – Times New Roman. You must follow the MLA format in the presentation of your paper including a Works Cited page for this essay, which would be page 3.

Please note: Your essay will be graded on the following:

Thesis statement
Word Usage 
*Valid connections

Completeness in response to the assignment You must meet the requirements of the essay.

239 Words  1 Pages
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