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internet affects children

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Paper Instructions:

Note on your outline at least one instance of each: ethos, pathos, and logos.  Remember that pathos can be especially effective in your introduction and conclusion. 

i only need one pathos one ethos one logos on the following writing 

The internet affects children for several reasons.

1. Because it gives a negative impact on their academic level. (Warrant: Everyone works toward high grades)

*According to UNICEF, more than 175,000 children go online for the first time every day. a new child every half second.

2. Because it reduce their social communication. (Warrant: Healthy social relationships reduces the feeling of loneliness) 

Objection:  Internet can increase their social relationships and meet more people online.

Rebuttal: Social relationships on the internet are most likely to be fake and unreal unlike face to face relationships that is more stronger. Also, face to face communication will increase their self-esteem which will help them in future life. 

* Studies show that children who addicted to the internet prefer online connections to face to face connections with others.

*According to a survey on Around 9 in 10 parents surveyed said that the children were spending too much time gaming so much so that their daily and family interactions are affected.

3. Because children are wasting their time on the Internet.  (Warrant: Their time could be invested better playing outdoors or studying )

* According to UNICEF report, 1 in 3 internet users worldwide is a child

253 Words  1 Pages
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