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What does Milgram’s experiment reveal about human behaviour? Can you think of real-world examples that seem to validate what Milgram observed?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Assignment: First to thoroughly go over the readings/film clips shown below, then to think and answer three questions in the discussion threads (two paragraphs each, equal-weighted in length).


-Stanley Milgram, “The Perils of Obedience”

VIDEO CLIPS: Milgram Obedience; Zimbardo, Stanford Prison Experiment.

-Michel Foucault, “Panopticism”

-Plato, Republic 514a-517a

Discussion threads:

What does Milgram’s experiment reveal about human behaviour? Can you think of real-world
examples that seem to validate what Milgram observed?

Foucault wrote that “visibility is a trap”? What does he mean? Can you give some real-world
examples of this?

Can you think of real-world examples of Plato’s “cave”? How is your example cavelike?

119 Words  1 Pages
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