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Language barrier

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This order has two short tasks:
first task:
This assignment is different depending how well you think you speak the English language:
For people who do not consider themselves fluent English speakers or near fluent: Pick one or two language barriers that you struggle with the most, and explain why you struggle with these barriers the most.

Second task: DIRECTIONS
Understanding our tendencies to prefer one conflict style over another is very beneficial. For this exercise, I would like you to pick three people who you are reasonably close with. It'd be best to pick people who aren't all alike (personality wise) but this is not a requirement.

For each of the three people you pick:

Give a name or identifier (EXAMPLE: Chris, mamma, bestie, etc.)
Write down what you think their main conflict style is (or maybe their top 2 styles) (EXAMPLE: avoidance and accommodation)
Briefly discuss how your conflicts with the person tend to play out, as well as how you think you could handle conflicts with that person (EXAMPLE: I tend to avoid conflict and since mamma is a competes, we tend to.... I think I could handle conflict better if I....)
Please turn in a write up of all three people. It should looks something like:


Your conflict style preference(s):

Name of person 1:

Conflict style:

How conflict plays out/how you could handle things better:

Name of person 2:

Conflict style:

How conflict plays out/how you could handle things better:

Name of person 3:

Conflict style:

How conflict plays out/how you could handle things better:

274 Words  1 Pages
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