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Because I could Not Stop For Death

Because I could Not Stop For Death

Emily Dickinson

The poetic technique in the poem is very well covered especially in regards to the personification of giving non-human beings. It is actually based on the day death knocked on her, the first stanza rotates how she had been very active to sojourn death and by his graciousness he did actually accomplished it for her. The poem looks like the gothic novel, a popular romantic genre given to the ominous besides supernatural (Parini, 1256). Further, the poet explicit that in fact the courtesy of the death she did not mind interruption from her own tasks, in the cemetery is where the speaker to have visited not only once but several times. In the demesne of demise, it has been long and centuries have elapsed yet for the speaker it just looks like it is the eternity though it appears shorter (Parini, 1256). The tone which shows a lot of emotional standpoint of the speaker is clearly implicated by the title itself.

Stanza three offers the speakers key capacity in regards what he has for compression, it generally incarnates the sphere of life, by this I mean the life journey within the context of the poem. The conspicuous theme of the poem is the seduction facade of death, and same as the speaker, the children are deprived of surmise and surprisingly they are still eventful with themselves bearing in mind that time is ephemeral (Parini, 1256). The regular rhymes happen sporadically and suddenly in the spatial estrangement.

The Lottery

By the fact that this happened many years and most properly by then lottery seemed to be by enticement and not by the will of the individuals (Jackson, 1). The backlash was imminent right from the onset and that could have never been a surprise since the resistance was being felt from the rural people who feel they are being manipulated by the town dwellers (Jackson, 1). In the contemporary world, we see a reflection of the same right from the issue of liberty deprive, they compromise for the sake selfish benefits.









Parini, Jay. The Wadsworth Anthology of Poetry. , 2006. Print.

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Shirley Jackson. (1948).The Lottery retrieved from

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374 Words  1 Pages
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