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Ode to New York City

Ode to New York City

New York City! My still bewildered by the beauty you pose

Especially the beautiful people living in you,

No, no, not forgetting nature, infrastructure, sites beauty

Against all the pale and high towers, your light is glorious

And the light strikes the sky’s ligtining.

New York, It is unthinkable that you still the word’s capital

 I beg, maintain that nature

And maintain the entertainment

The nature’s lyric connects the people with you even more. 

You are a city that offers joy

Unforgettable moments to those that passes by you

The sleepless city, yet it is full of reams

 These Dreams that have to be fulfilled but only by you, 

At night stars covering your sky that which is distinct from the rest’

It is your time now New York,

Gove the reckoning,

It is a time to provide the signs,

Listen to your heart and the heart of those

That treasures you.

Hold more festivals, events,

All that is needed to store ad generate more memories,

Grow more pavements, with streets immemorial

Get lead of city issues, separate yourself from commonness.

New York, permit the flow of blood into your veins.

Let it wash all the rust, restore life

To those elements that were demolished.

Let this provide the your streets and bridges with curve beauty,

With hips and admirable structures,

Now that the old ages are returning, restore,

That that was lost,

Let reconciliation guide the truth of the day and the beauty of the night.

New York City! In every seven days,

Create heaven with bursts of laughter,

Smile more and create a mirage in your beautiful

And glowing eyes

New York City, the city of immense beauty 



285 Words  1 Pages
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