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Literature Interpreter

            Literature Interpreter

            Part I

            I learned that I can to me literature is an individual and a communal experience. Additional I discovered that I have a great interest in discovering theories, words, characters as well as the utilized character lines. The joy of literature to be is to analyze and discover fresh realities which are crucial in assisting my interpretation of the provided literature text (Papaioannou, 4).  However, I discovered that what hinders me from interpreting literature effectively is the failure of utilizing how language and rhetorical devices are utilized. I learned the skills that I possess I can be a god literature interpreter with the utilization of words to analyze and describe scenarios.

            Moreover, I learned that analyzing and understanding each word is essential.  This, therefore, requires the utilization of the literature devices as well as the plot. Confidence is an essential element in making analysis, comprehension and interpretation in increasing efficiency which includes personal values as well as effective communication.  Communication skills influence the interpretation of literature as it helps in better understanding (Papaioannou, 3).

            Part II

            Fences by Wilson August


            In the literal form the fence by August Wilson can be described as a physical barrier which can thus be utilized in separating elements in developing a single element which is invisible from the other elements.  The play utilizes the fence as a symbol of the great struggle that exists between figurative and literal definitions of blackness and humanity (Menson-Furr, 6). The fence is effective in preventing the interaction that occurs between two different elements ends. The fence is utilized as a boundary form that separates the opposing existing sides.  Troy together with his own son was structuring a boundary which is crucial via the play as it is symbolically utilized in highlighting the different divisions that are presented by the play. Therefore this piece of paper seeks to make an exploration of the argument about how forgiveness and judgment work as major themes in the play the fences by Wilson august as well as the suggestion that is made by the text in regard to the nature of forgiveness and judgment (Menson-Furr, 6).

            Forgiveness and judgment have been portrayed well in the play.  This is exposed by the distinct ways like in the case of Cary who was working alongside his dad Cory.  In the play, Cory accuses his son of doing nothing beneficial as he is involved in movements while visiting Taylor. This is therefore illustrated as the judgment that is made by Cory towards troy. Through the play’s unfolding scenes it is clear that whenever troy moved to visit Taylor he was mainly going to visit his mistress by the name Alberta.  Therefore Taylor was involved in utilizing the excuse of the fence in order to work behind his wife back while cheating on her with the mistress.  The fence, therefore, makes his to neglect and forget about his family as well as his responsibilities to the family.  His wife was therefore not a judgmental individual because as she is portrayed in the play all she did was to forgive her husband and she gave in to everything that took place (Menson-Furr, 4).

            The play takes place in the later period of 1965 when the fights against racial segregation held no positive results (Shannon, 9). Fence portrays that discrimination is everywhere because it resides around individuals.  Racism can be described as the basic characterization of individual who are based within a specific ethnic base who holds distinct characteristics.  It is thus utilized as a tool of differentiation individuals from others where it is mostly utilized in attacks or in differentiation from others.  The major protagonist in the play is troy who is an African-American and because he is a very responsible individual his dreams makes him believe in his individually created illusions. The most apparent interest by August in the play is, therefore, to demonstrate how the segregation that is developed due to races can result in the creation of economy and social gaps between the whites and the blacks.  Troy is mainly controlled by racism as his driving force which causes him to make quick judgments that later leads to destructions (Shannon, 11).

            In the last scene try dies behind the developed animosity trail that exists between him and his family which he had hurt and judged so much.  The story can thus be described as that that describes a tragic hero in troy. This is mainly because he started by being praised and being loved by his family but at the end, he has succumbed to the racism weight.  He lost his goodness because he was being controlled by judgments. The impacts of judgment and racism utilized the good part of troy which impact ruled all his existence and demise took place at the end. Troy said, ‘’attempting to hide the huge old watermelon under his jacket, afraid that the white man can see him ’’ (Shannon, 21).  The quote is effective in illustrating how black individuals were represented as ignorant and lazy who wants to do nothing but eat watermelon, sing, and dance all day.

            The perception held by troy on the things that are wrong and those that are right for Cory are stranded on Troy’s rejection to distinguish an antique conversion in the receiving of the black individuals.  This, therefore, instigated Cory to practice an unsatisfactory destiny which is comparable to that of troy. Despite Troy having ruined the future of his family through engaging in activities that were not desirable and deception Rose forgive him after his death. She stated that ‘’I do believe that he did not mean to do any harm but he meant to only do well’’ (Shannon, 27). ‘’I absolve him for all the harm’’ (Shannon, 27).

            In conclusion, racism can thus be described as the major cause of judgment. This is because it makes individuals believe in their superiority thus examining the inferiority of others. Troy judges individuals based on their race because he believes that the blacks are not superior and they hold fewer capabilities. The play has utilized the characters that are from the mixed races in order to show how race leads to judgments and how individuals forgive.








            Work Cited

Menson-Furr, Ladrica C. August Wilson's Fences. London: Continuum, 2008. Internet resource.

Papaioannou, Sophia. Terence and Interpretation: Volume Iv. , 2014. Internet resource.

            Shannon, Sandra G. August Wilson's Fences: A Reference Guide. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2003. Print.



1077 Words  3 Pages
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