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A Doll's House by Isben

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Paper instructions:

A Doll's House by Isben

Choosing the common theme of marriage, use this theme to analyze the topic using A Doll House with a debatable, analytical thesis statement with key points.  Additional options for topics are available below. Locate at least three academically valid sources to support the main points in your essay. This essay must be formatted using MLA Style and contain a Works Cited page. The expected length is approximately five to seven pages.

- Analysis also needs to include the following elements:
An introduction with thesis statement; a body of points explored; and a conclusion.
Close reading of passages from the play to support your analysis.
Three secondary sources to further reinforce your points.
Development and organization of analysis within 5-7 pages.
Clear grammar and style.
Adherence to MLA format.
A Works Cited page, not your annotated bibliography.

For the Final Research Essay, write an annotated bibliography for the three secondary sources you will use in the research essay, as well as the primary source. Go to the library databases and find three secondary sources on the topic you are analyzing. Provide an MLA style citation for each source. Under that, write an annotation with the following elements:

- A summary statement of the source, followed by an in-text, parenthetical citation (author’s name).
- A statement that explains how the source will be useful in your analysis.
- A statement about why your reader should trust that this is an academically credible source.

255 Words  1 Pages
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