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Black Movie by Danez Smith

Black Movie

            The book Black Movie by Danez Smith reveals to the reader how it is like living as an African American in the United States. Through the poems narrated in the book, the reader is drawn into a world where African Americans are forced to endure and make the most they can out of the position they find themselves in. the word choice and the style of writing draws the reader in, revealing the two themes that are portrayed by the poems in the book. One theme that is evident is the lack of appreciation of the African American lives. Compared to white’s lives, the lives of African Americans are seen as less valuable and this is seen in the poems narrated in the book. As a result, the African Americans face more suffering and are given lesser opportunities to prosper and better their lives compared to the whites (Smith, 2015).

            The other theme that is portrayed in the book is the innocence of African American people especially young boys. Despite the challenges and the circumstances they find themselves in, some of the young men in the African American community remain innocent and only want to excel. They have a lot of potential and given the chance, they possess the capability of making a better life for themselves. These two themes are seen throughout the book and the author is able to show that, despite the challenges that African Americans face, they have a lot of potential and are only victims of circumstance. If they were given the same opportunities as the whites in America, they have a lot of potential that would enable them to live better and more comfortable in their community (Smith, 2015).





Smith D, (2015), “Black Movie” Button Poetry




295 Words  1 Pages
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