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Admission essay

Admission essay

For the 3 years that I have been employed as Systems Administrator in National Park Foundation located in Washington, I have found that we are living in a digital world which requires information technologies and technical discipline (Farmer, 39). After I competed my high school education, I enrolled  in  public administration  courses since I had the passion of being an administrator  as a career in my life.  Since I was young, studying public administration was my passion and the right choice for me. I enjoyed learning about issues on public policy, public management, labour market principles among other many areas I covered. I was provided with well-rounded education and I was well equipped with methodology principles   as well as efficient knowledge needed in this digital world. While I was working in National Park Foundation, I utilized my skills in operations and performance, customer satisfaction, maintenance of network appliances among other many roles (Farmer, 42).  While I was working, I noticed that ensuring better management and operational maintenance required basic qualification which I did not have since I had not pursued by masters level.  There were technical disciplines, strong organizational skills as well as performing requirements which were very important and should apply in the department I was working. However, I was facing some challenges here and there which allowed me to have a greater opportunity of understanding more about public administration to accomplish my career aspiration.  Despite the challenges, my professional work helped me to consolidate my experiences and strengthened my professional growth as a manager, administrator and as a leader.  Importantly, the 3 years experience stirred my pursuit of a Masters degree in Harvard University.  It is important to say that interacting with diverse people in the work place, solving management problems, organizing and managing the activities, dealing with difficult personalities, lack of appreciation and increased workloads were all challenges in my life but inspirational experiences(Farmer, 45).  Moreover, the challenges strengthened my values and coagulated my decisions to take a master’s degree in Harvard University.


The reason why I want to purse my education in Harvard university is because if offers effective high education.   Since I was young, I had my friends and teachers talking about the education offered in Harvard University and how the lectures are effective in promoting thoughts.  Harvard University is the best in offering quality learning and a strong collaboration (Flores, 22). Since I was very social with my teaching staff, I remember asking one of my staff the best university to purse my education and he told me that Harvard is the best as it offers quality education and lectures are excellent in teaching.  Harvard University is among the universities which have designed programs to help the broad-minded students in meeting their needs. I believe that I will achieve my goals in Harvard University as teachers have a unique way of teaching and they help students to meet goals of their education (Flores, 23). They have the necessary skills and self confidence and this helps them to have a wide knowledge of the subjects they offer.  They are very responsible and they use the possible strategic skills to ensure that each student understands the courses and solves problems which may impact their education in a negative way. Lectures in Harvard are also interested in social adjustment, teaching behavior skills and understanding the challenges which students meet in life (Flores, 24). This is the best place where I will get the relevant resources, projects as well as activities which will help me get maximum learning.


Research is the major contributing factor which has motivated me in pursuing Mater’s in public administration.  I hope I will gain practical experience and apply the skills and knowledge locally and in global level.  I believe that after completing my Master’s degree in Harvard University I will achieve my personal and professional goals.  In my work experience, I have learned that the challenges we meet gives us opportunity to strengthen our faith and more important to achieve our educational goal (Bowen, 15).  The challenges which I have met in learning and working will help me to succeed in life.  Since my experience in National Park Foundation intrigued my yearning to pursue Public administration,  I believe that  the path I will take in  obtaining my Master’s  will  be the path for achieving my  goals.  I want to gain more education and skills in this study and become more compassionate and a competent leader in public organizations (Bowen, 17).  I want to be in a governmental level where I can interact with profit and non-profit sectors and more important provide ethical solutions to social needs. After pursing a Master’s degree I want to do a research on how to make a collaborative environment.  In public administrative department, I want to ensure that students are able to conduct research, analyze and make   effective practices so that they can implement essential strategic for public service.  In my career path, I will utilize my managerial training to implement societal programs for the purpose of ensuring accurate monitoring and appraisal system.  My strength is good communication skills, open mindedness, teamwork, innovative thinking, problem solving and quick thinking. These strengths will help me to focus on one goal of succeeding in education (Bowen, 19).  

 Since I have an education background, work experience, willpower and capability of gaining more knowledge, I will be in a better position to pursue my Master’s degree in Harvard University.  I have also developed better reasoning skills, self-discipline and cooperative behaviors and now I am able to make important life decisions.  Since I will gain an international experience, I will help the local and abroad companies with effective skills which are required in problem solving and in becoming competent leaders (Bowen, 14). Through my academic   and professional interest I will gain strong ability in work performance and change the world through implementing society’s priorities.   Through identifying my strengths which I have gained through education and work experience, I will apply them in my Master’s education and I am sure they will play a great role in achieving my goals.  I will utilize my natural talents and   personal accomplishments in making a successive life (Bowen, 15).  I am prepared and ready to gain more education and I promise I will have personal accountability, show integrity and fairness in my education life.  I will show perseverance, accept failures and create plausible solutions.  I will also have a strong work ethic and be optimistic.  I will   negotiate the challenges, ignore defects and imperfections and focus on one zone to avoid distractions and more important I believe in myself. I request the Harvard University to accept my application and give me the opportunity to pursue my master’s degree.  I will be thrilled to associate with prestigious faculty and the student body as well (Bowen, 15). 










Work cited

Bowen, William G. Higher Education in the Digital Age. , 2013. Print.


Farmer, David J. Public Administration in Perspective: Theory and Practice Through Multiple Lenses.

Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2010. Print.

Flores, Krystal A. Applying to American Universities and Colleges for Parents and Students: Acing the

App. Singapore: WS Education, 2014. Internet resource.

1196 Words  4 Pages
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